
If I saw someone I didn’t like
And I bopped him on the head from behind
and then hid him in the basement.
Would you tell on me?
If I bopped him on the head and put rocks in his socks
and dumped him in the river
Would you tell on me?
If you asked me what I was thinking
And I told you, then I bopped you on the nose
Would you tell on me?
Unless of course
You did not ask me what on my mind
and in which case I would not have to bop you on the nose
or tell you that what I thinking
which is the bopping with the hiding in the basement
rocks in socks into the river thought.
So next time you want to ask me what’s on my mind
You will at least hesitate so I won’t have to bop on the nose
and say I told you so.

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