Sleeeeeping on the plane
Got your finger in my eye
Meme you are not sleeping
I love u
I want to get a drink
Not sleeping
I wonder why
You are talking in my ear
My eyes are closed my dear
Sleepwalking and talking with my eyes
Closed is not what I am doing
Angry Rhinoceros dear
I love you oh so much
But you need to button up
Sleepwalking and talking
On the plane
Good thing you get older every
That is why I keep coming back
For the Angry Rhinoceros Charge and Attack

“Is this Poughkeepsie?”
” No this is Binyamina.”

My neurons are really bent
But it was fun
Money well spent
Good thing you get older every year

I love you grandson dear
And when I wake up
You will get your juice in a cup
Until then my eyes are closed
Am sleeping
Please shut up